Monday, March 30, 2015

Lesson 10 wrap-up

Lesson 10 Wrap-up

1.  My biggest discovery was how easy it is to use these databases and how much information there is on them.  Plus I did not know there is such a variety of databases to choose from.  I had the mistaken idea that they were just informational. I did not know that there were ebooks on them.

 2. I plan to use the handouts to make the elementary and middle school faculty aware of the databases that can be used for research that is appropriate for whatever grade level they are teaching.  I also plan to use some of the ebooks in my elementary Spanish classes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lesson 9 Genealogy

lesson 9

1.  In Ancestry Library I found three entries for myself.  There was nothing current so the address is incorrect, the phone number is incorrect.  Plus they have the wrong birthdate.  They have the correct year but not the correct day or month.

2.  In looking for my grandfather I entered just his name John Petersen and found numerous entries so I put in his town and found him.  On one entry they have grandma's first name misspelled and on the second one they have her last name misspelled.  The entry was for 1940 and it listed their children and my dad was 16 at the time.  The have my uncle Johnny listed as Junior and he was never called that as far as I know.

3.  In looking at the pictures I found pictures of baseball teams and yearbook pictures.  This would be an interesting place to go to find your ancestors picture while they were in high school.

4. I searched Heritage Quest for an ancestry of my mom's with the name Abraham Van Osdel.  I found him in the census of the 1800s.  I found that his wife's name was Johanna. I found this interesting because I have a cousin named Joanne and I bet that is where the name came from.

5.  I looked at Sanborn Maps.  I put in the town of Ipswich and the July 1929.  I found it extremely difficult to find anything.  I did find the courthouse and I know that building is still in use today.  I am not a good map reader so this resource was very difficult for me to understand but it was interesting.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Lesson 8

Lesson 8

In WorldCat I chose the book Still Alice .  There are 1174 libraries that have the book.  The first library that came up was Alexander Mitchell library in Aberdeen, South Dakota.  The call number for the book is LC PS3607E55 and Dewey is 813/.6.  The author has also written Left Neglected and Love Anthony.

In looking up the Alzheimer's Disease I found that there are 1116 entries.

In using OAIster I found it very interesting and could see varied uses for it.  I think the faculty especially secondary could use it in preparing lesson.  The students could use it when they are preparing papers and cannot find the necessary information in the local libraries.  There are controversial issues addressed.  If a small community library had books on these subjects there would probably be an uproar in that community but being accessible on this database would be okay.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Lesson 7

Lesson 7

Ebsco host

1.  I choose Tigers in the wild for my topic.  When I searched it brought up many things that had nothing whatsoever to do with Tigers in the Wild. In fact the only book that is brought up that had anything to do with tigers was a book on Asia which is a rather broad topic.  I was not impressed with this database.  I think it would confuse the students completely.

2. In looking for Constitution Day all I could find were books about American History which would work but would be quite tedious for most students.  Most of the books that came up did not have anything to do with Constitution Day,

3. I typed in Nebraska and found books about Native Americans and how they have been treated throughout history and how they are still being treated.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lesson 6

Lesson 6
Gale Virtual Reference Library

I choose a book on terrorism.  Because it is such a a current topic I think it could be used by the students in any of the social studies especially the Current Issues class that we have.  I could also see it used in the speech class,

I searched Crime and Punishment.  I looked at the critical overview of the book.  The students in English class could use this when they have to read books that they find difficult.

The listening part was very interesting and could be very useful for students who do not read very well but have to know about books that are very hard for them.

Gale Virtual Reference Library will be very useful in my library because we do not have the money to buy the reference material that the students need.

I looked at a couple other people's post and it is interesting to see that different topics that they choose,

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lesson 5

Lesson 5


1.  My topic was Vietnam and PTSD.  There are 4206 articles on the subjects. I skimmed a couple articles and they looked to be very thorough.  They were from The American Journal of Psychiatry which would be a reliable source.  Once again I can see how useful this would be for research in high school.  The teacher would not have to be concerned with whether his/her students were looking at articles that are not reliable.

1a. I looked at the Library Queen's post and discovered that she had researched Diabetes which is a topic very personal for her.  She states that she found the article very useful.

2. I looked up libraries and then refined the search to ebooks in libraries.  I looked at an article about Detente in New York on ebooks.  It was an article about a discussion at ALA about ebook lending in the library. The discussion included officers of ALA and representatives of publishing companies.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lesson 4

Sirs Discoverer

I chose sea otters because they are among my favorite animals.  The article looks quite challenging and would not be very informative to 4th grade and below.
At the end of the article their are websites to go to and there are organizations mentioned that help sea otters. These could lead to articles that younger children could use.
There is only one picture of a sea otter.  I was surprised there weren't more pictures.

I selected Spain. The information is very straight forward and easy to understand. This would be very useful in middle school social studies classes.

The map of Spain is very detailed but yet easy to read.  It shows the regions of Spain and major cities.  It would be very useful in Spanish class when  you are teaching about the differences in the regions of Spain.

I looked at the current events feature.  This would be a good place for the current events teacher to send the students.  The articles would be up to date and relevant. She would not get all the fluff pieces.

Sirs Issues Researcher

I chose ISIS for my topic.  When I looked it up there are numerous articles on ISIS,  It also shows many other topics that are related to ISIS.    There are articles in newspapers, magazines, reference books and multi-media.

I chose Spanish.  There are numerous articles about the use of foreign languages. There are games in Spanish that I could use elementary Spanish classes that I teach plus they can be made harder for classes as the classes advance.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Lesson 3

Learning Express Library

 I took the test on grammar. I only finished a few questions but found that the questions were difficult and I have an English minor.  I think it will show anyone who wants to improve their writing skills or even their speaking skills that there are places to learn more about grammar.  I like that the tests are scored and you can see which ones you have wrong plus there is a place to learn more.  I think this would be very beneficial to English language learners.

I chose Culinary Skills.  I read a bit about it and took part of an exam.  I learned that even though I know how to bake I do not know some of the terms used in baking.  This area of Learning Express could help people figure out if they really want to go in to the career they think they do.

The ebook I looked was about teaching.  It is broken down into sections which are Do your career homework, All about teacher education programs, Finding financial aid, Getting certified to teach, Let the job search begin and how to succeed once you've landed a job.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Lesson 2

Tumblebook Library

I love this resource. How wonderful this will be to use with the reluctant readers.  They can follow along and build up their confidence.

I also listened to a book in Spanish.  I will be able to use this in my elementary Spanish classes to show them that it is actually a language that people read and write instead of just a class they have to take.

I watched a video on Asia which I think would be beneficial to the students because after they read books that they are unfamiliar with the setting this will help them learn about it.

The puzzles will be a fun thing to do after they have read the book.  It can be a reward for finishing reading a book.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lesson 2

Week 2


In checking the Maintenance Schedule for my vehicle here are three things that should be done at 30000 miles.  1.  Replace air distributor air filter
                       2.  Replace engine coolant
                       3.  Service/inspect ignition wires

The last recall notice for my car is May 12, 2005 and it was for Service support and technical assistance for On Star and/or XM Radio.

My car has anit-lock brakes and the purpose of the ABS is to minimize wheel slippage during heavy braking.


The program is great.  It goes slowly and repeats itself so anyone who is a beginner would not have any trouble learning.  The pronunciation is very clear and precise.  I do not see anything wrong with it.

I would tell the student that she could go to the English part of Mango and start at the beginning and build what she already know about English.  She can repeat the words and phrases so she can listen and hear if she is pronouncing things correctly.

Lesson 1

1c  In looking at the pictures  in the Spanish dictionary I can see how non-English speaking students could use it to translate terms for Biology or other subjects.  With our ever changing world there are more and more non-English speaking.

I could also use it for my elementary Spanish classes.

In listening to an article on dogs in Spanish I can see that it would be useful for students to hear how Spanish is spoken by native speakers.  Also it would be useful for students who do not read very well and their native language is Spanish.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lesson 1

Lesson 1b

A baby sea otter spends most of its time lying on its mother's chest, while she floats on her back.
Sea otters are mammals that live in the northern Pacific Ocean. Herds of sea otters live near the shores of western North America and eastern Asia. The animals hardly ever leave the water.

"Sea otter." World Book Online For Kids. World Book, 2015. Web. 2 Feb. 2015

1b.Sea otter is a furry animal that lives in the North Pacific Ocean. Herds of sea otters dwell near the shores of western North America and Siberia. They seldom leave the water.
The sea otter swims using its flipper-shaped hind feet as paddles. It eats and sleeps while floating on its back. Sea otters often sleep in masses of floating seaweed called kelp. The female carries her baby on her chest as she paddles about on her back. She has one baby, called a pup, at a time.
Most sea otters grow from 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters) long and weigh from 60 to 85 pounds (27 to 39 kilograms). A large male, however, may weigh up to 100 pounds (45 kilograms). Sea otters have thick brown fur that traps air and keeps their skin dry. The fur also insulates them against the cold. Unlike seals and sea lions, sea otters do not have a layer of blubber under their skin. A sea otter dives as deep as 180 feet (55 meters) for food and can stay underwater as long as four minutes. It uses its front paws for grasping and holding, as do some otters that live in fresh water. For information about freshwater otters, see the article on Otter.
Sea otters may eat as much as a fifth of their body weight every day. They feed on abalones, clams, crabs, fish, mussels, octopuses, sea urchins, and squids. Sea otters pry open shellfish in various ways. They use their teeth or their paws, and may pound one clam or mussel against another. A sea otter also may balance a rock on its belly and hammer the shellfish against it.

For centuries, sea otters have been hunted for their valuable fur. From the mid-1700's through the 1800's, fur traders killed so many sea otters that the animal almost disappeared. In 1911, Canada, Japan, Russia, and the United States signed a treaty that prohibited the hunting of sea otters. As a result, the world's sea otter population increased steadily. In 1989, an accident involving the U.S. tanker Exxon Valdez spilled nearly 11 million gallons (42 million liters) of oil into Prince William Sound off the coast of Alaska. About 2,800 sea otters are believed to have died due to the oil spill.

Much more information, more detailed information.

1b.The information is much more detailed. There is history, geography and current issues.  This would be valuable for anyone wanted to know the history of a country.  They could also find out about the places in the country that they might want to visit.

Lesson 1

Lesson 1 a

1a In looking at the World Book for kids I choose the sea otter as my mammal. I love sea otters and always want to know as much as I can about them.

A baby sea otter spends most of its time lying on its mother's chest, while she floats on her back.

Sea otters are mammals that live in the northern Pacific Ocean. Herds of sea otters live near the shores of western North America and eastern Asia. The animals hardly ever leave the water.

"Sea otter." World Book Online For Kids. World Book, 2015. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.

1a Sea otter is a furry animal that lives in the North Pacific Ocean. Herds of sea otters dwell near the shores of western North America and Siberia. They seldom leave the water.
The sea otter swims using its flipper-shaped hind feet as paddles. It eats and sleeps while floating on its back. Sea otters often sleep in masses of floating seaweed called kelp. The female carries her baby on her chest as she paddles about on her back. She has one baby, called a pup, at a time.
Most sea otters grow from 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters) long and weigh from 60 to 85 pounds (27 to 39 kilograms). A large male, however, may weigh up to 100 pounds (45 kilograms). Sea otters have thick brown fur that traps air and keeps their skin dry. The fur also insulates them against the cold. Unlike seals and sea lions, sea otters do not have a layer of blubber under their skin. A sea otter dives as deep as 180 feet (55 meters) for food and can stay underwater as long as four minutes. It uses its front paws for grasping and holding, as do some otters that live in fresh water. For information about freshwater otters, see the article on Otter.
Sea otters may eat as much as a fifth of their body weight every day. They feed on abalones, clams, crabs, fish, mussels, octopuses, sea urchins, and squids. Sea otters pry open shellfish in various ways. They use their teeth or their paws, and may pound one clam or mussel against another. A sea otter also may balance a rock on its belly and hammer the shellfish against it.

For centuries, sea otters have been hunted for their valuable fur. From the mid-1700's through the 1800's, fur traders killed so many sea otters that the animal almost disappeared. In 1911, Canada, Japan, Russia, and the United States signed a treaty that prohibited the hunting of sea otters. As a result, the world's sea otter population increased steadily. In 1989, an accident involving the U.S. tanker Exxon Valdez spilled nearly 11 million gallons (42 million liters) of oil into Prince William Sound off the coast of Alaska. About 2,800 sea otters are believed to have died due to the oil spill.
"Sea otter." World Book Online InfoFinder. World Book, 2015. Web. 2 Feb. 2015. 

The World Book Student goes in much more detail about the sea otter.  It includes information that young children should probably not be exposed to but is okay as students get older and are more mature.

1 I choose Spain as the country for the World Book Advanced activity. After looking at the right and the left columns. I can see that they would be helpful for students in most of their classes. There is history information, geography information, current event information. Something for everyone.

1d In World Book Discover the patrons can have the article read aloud to them which could help people who are not good readers.